RSSVolume 26

Personal Authenticity through Authentic Materials, Authentic Tasks, and Negotiation

Personal Authenticity through Authentic Materials, Authentic Tasks, and Negotiation

| February 2, 2008

In this article, I examine the concept of personal authenticity (van Lier, 1996), using student diary entries collected during an English for academic and professional purposes course with a negotiated syllabus. Signs of personal authenticity – a concept related to autonomy – are traced in the entries.

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Preparing University EFL Students for Job Interviews in English: A Task-Based Approach

Preparing University EFL Students for Job Interviews in English: A Task-Based Approach

| February 2, 2008

With English as the de facto lingua franca of the global economy, more and more companies, national and international, hold interviews for candidates in English. Gumperz and Roberts (1991) note that ‘interethnic encounters’ pose a daunting challenge for some learners; none more so than an English interview.

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