Negotiating Identity from Auto-ethnography: Second Language Writers’ Perspectives

| August 1, 2009
Negotiating Identity from Auto-ethnography: Second Language Writers Perspectives

Keywords: Autoethnography, voice, social identity, post method pedagogy, World Englishes

Pisarn (Bee) Chamcharatsri


Bio Data
Pisarn Bee Chamcharatsi is a Ph.D. student in Composition and TESOL at Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA. He has taught both high school and college writing in Bangkok, Thailand. His research interests includes L2 writing, identity, creative writing, World Englishes, and discourse analysis.

Recently, the concept of identity construction has been the focus of research in the field of composition and TESOL. Second language (L2) learners have to negotiate their identities in their social milieus. For this purpose, autoethnography is a valuable task for L2 learners as it allows them to explore their cultural background and identities. The aim of this paper is to examine how such learners construct their identities in the academic setting of an American university. By examining five written autoethnographies, the author found some interesting topics, pronoun references, and authoritative and inner voices, which are discussed in detail. Also presented is the implementation of autoethnography in the L2 writing classroom and how that might contribute to L2 writing pedagogy.

See pages: 3-19

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Category: Monthly Editions, Volume 38