The Correlation between the Mastery of Sentence Stress, Grammar, and the Oral Presentation of Medical Records in English by Ngudi Waluyo Nursing Academy Students, Ungaran-Central Java, Indonesia

| November 19, 2011
The Correlation between the Mastery of Sentence Stress, Grammar, and the Oral Presentation of Medical Records in English by Ngudi Waluyo Nursing Academy Students, Ungaran-Central Java, Indonesia

Keywords: Sentence Stress, Grammar, Oral Presentation, and Medical Records

Fahrur Rozi
Economic Faculty of Semarang State University, Indonesia

Bio Data
Fahrur Rozi (M.Pd) is an English Lecturer in the Faculty of Economic, Semarang State University, Indonesia. He finished his Master Education in Post Graduate Program from Semarang State University. He has been teaching English for Specific Purposes since 2001. His main research interest is English for Specific Purposes

Nurses should speak English well while they care for patients and when they communicate with other people. The objective of this research is to examine the correlation between the mastery of sentence stress and grammar and the oral presentation of medical records in English by nursing students. The total number of student subjects was 46. The students were given a grammar and reading aloud test for gathering data. The oral presentation data was gathered from their presentation test in the National Comprehensive Examination. Nursing and English lecturers were the evaluators. By focusing on the mastery of sentence stress and grammar during the oral presentation of medical records, students are not only provided with the skills of language but are encouraged to speak or communicate effectively, thus making it easy for them to communicate with other medical teams and patients. This research explores the understanding of how important it is to give emphasis to certain words in sentences and the importance of using correct grammar when speaking English. The writer will show these elements of language influence the oral presentation of medical records.

See pages 54-62

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Category: Monthly Editions, Volume 56