Volume 27 Issue 3.3 June 2020
- Mac Aditiawarman, Diana Kartika, Andika Prajana, Yuhendra, Ali Mardius and Rahmat Fauzi
Japanese Language Conjunction and Indonesian Language Conjunction: Review of Contrastive Analysis as Seen from the Use and Teaching Method - Mohammad Shariq
Difficulties Facing Saudi EFL Learners with Translation: Contrastive and Error Analysis - Ambo Dalle, Johar Amir and Wahyu Kurniati Asri
Improving Student’s Writing Skill using Serial Images as Learning Media - Selvi Panggua, Nur Fitri and Sushy Teko Patanduk
Need Analysis: Developing Speaking Skills Training Materials for High School EFL Teacher in Indonesia - Maya Masita, Muhammad Basri and Andi Qashas Rahman
Globalizing Primary Curriculum in Indonesia - Jamiludin, Darnawati and Waode Ade Sarasmita Uke
Students’ Perception Toward the Flipped Classroom Model at History Education Department of Halu Oleo University - Siti Azisah
Gender roles Depiction in English textbooks of an Islamic Junior high school in South Sulawesi, Indonesia - Arif Ahmed Mohammed Hassan Al-Ahdal and Shatha Ahmed Abdulaziz Alkhalaf
Podcasting in the Teaching of Speech Communication: Exploring New Vistas in a Saudi EFL Context - Nareeman Jabbar Rasheed
English Language Classroom Conversation among Iraqi EFL Students: A Pragmatic Analysis - Rasib Mahmood, Akhter Habib Shah and Tribhuwan Kumar
English Language Learning and its Socio-cultural Effects: A Comparative Study of Private and Government Schools of Islamabad - Muliaty Ibrahim and Sunarlia Limbong
Strategies in Learning English as a Foreign Language Applied by the Students of SMA Negeri 1 Makassar - Roderick Julian Robillos and Patchara Phantharakphong
Enhancing EFL Learners’ Argumentative Abilities in Written Composition and Critical Thinking Dispositions through Argument Mapping Within Metacognitive Approach - Lalu Suhirman
Lesson Study – A Japanese Instructional Approach: Empowering Student – Centered Learning - Yang Lan
Willingness to Communicate in English Language Learning among Chinese Doctoral Students
Category: 2020 Monthly Editions