Language Learning Strategies Used by Students at Different Proficiency Levels

| December 28, 2008
Language Learning Strategies Used by Students at Different Proficiency Levels

Keywords: Foreign Language; Learning Strategy; Language Learning Strategy

Ya-Ling Wu
National Chin-yi University of Technology, Taiwan

Bio Data
Ya-Ling Wu is an Associate Professor in the Department of Applied English at National Chin-Yi University of Technology. Her research interests include language learning strategies, English for Specific Purposes and learning styles. She teaches classes in English composition, English conversation and ESP (English for business, English for administration and management, English for Journalism, English for Tourism).

This study is designed to determine: (1) whether a statistically significant difference exists in the extent of language learning strategy use between higher proficiency and lower proficiency EFL students; (2) the strength of the effect of language learning strategy use on English proficiency. The study finds that higher proficiency EFL students use learning strategies more often than lower proficiency EFL students, especially cognitive, metacognigive and social strategies. On the other hand, there is no difference in the use of memory strategies between higher and lower proficiency EFL students. Regarding the relationship between language learning strategy and English proficiency, it was found that cognitive strategies had the strongest influence. Findings indicate that compensation strategies are most often used by EFL students.

See page 75-95

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Category: Main Editions, Volume 10 Issue 4