A Study on Cross-cultural Barriers in Reading of English

| June 30, 2004
A Study on Cross-cultural Barriers in Reading of English

Keywords: No Keyword

Professor Wang Lin
English Department of Foshan University

Bio Data
Wang Lin, holds a doctorate in Comparative Literature and is vice-professor and Dean of the English Department of Foshan University. He specializes in English Literature and Translation. He teaches English reading, translation, English literature, English poetry and has translated more than twenty English fictional and non-fictional works, such as Aesop’s Fables, The Black Pearl, The Naturalism, The President Lady, and Oscar Wilde and His Fairy Tales. He has published over ten academic papers, among the major ones; A Study on Dubin’s Life, A Study on Translating Criticism of Creation Society, Oscar Wilde and Tian Han,and A Plan to Explore the Oral English Teaching for Students of non-English Major.

This paper will examine the cross-cultural difficulties in the process of English reading in three aspects: what the main difficulties are in reading, why these difficulties exist and how to reduce and eliminate them to achieve the exact comprehension.

The paper, from the perspective of cross-cultural communication, tries to analyze the role of cultural knowledge in reading comprehension, generalizes the comprehension barriers Chinese students meet in the comprehension process of English reading and explains the relationship between the barriers and language. The paper then analyzes the internal causes of the barriers. And lastly, it brings forth approaches and methods for eliminating the barriers.


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