What can we Learn from a Learning Needs Analysis of Chinese English Majors in a University Context?

| December 29, 2006
What can we Learn from a Learning Needs Analysis of Chinese English Majors in a University Context?

Keywords: No Keyword

Lixin Xiao
Nankai University, Tianjin, China

Bio Data
Dr. Xiao has a PhD in Second Language Education from Dublin City University, Ireland, and has worked as a full-time university teacher of English at university level for 22 years in China and has over five years teaching and research experience in Canada and Ireland.

This study investigates Chinese English major students learning needs including their attitudes towards student-centred and traditional teaching approaches, culture learning in EFL program, attitudes towards authority in class, the main problems encountered in the course of their learning English, and their practice of language learning strategies. The findings of this research will provide Chinese EFL teachers with insightful information on learners’ learning needs as an input to syllabus and materials planning, to lesson planning and classroom instruction practice. The study demonstrates the importance of a good understanding of learner variables in TEFL programs at university level in China.

See pages 74-99

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Category: Main Editions, Volume 8 Issue 4