The Effects of Collocation Instruction on the Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning of College English Majors

| March 25, 2010
The Effects of Collocation Instruction on the Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Learning of College English Majors

Keywords: collocations, reading comprehension, vocabulary learning

Jeng-yih Tim Hsu
Department of English, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung

Bio Data
Jeng-yih Tim Hsu received his Master in English Language/Linguistics from the University of Arizona, and holds a doctorate in Composition & TESOL from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. He is currently teaching at the Department of English, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Kaohsiung.

Over the past decades, studies of EFL/ESL vocabulary acquisition have pinpointed the importance of collocations in language learning. Most findings showed that general collocational knowledge among EFL learners was insufficient and that collocational knowledge is beneficial for EFL learning, by greatly facilitating language learning, comprehension, and production. Nevertheless, few studies have investigated the impact of explicit collocation instruction on other aspects of EFL learners general English proficiency, such as listening, speaking, writing, reading, and lexical fluency.

See page 47-87

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Category: Main Editions, Volume 12 Issue 1