Reading Strategy Use, Self-Efficacy and EFL Reading Comprehension

| June 24, 2010
Reading Strategy Use, Self-Efficacy and EFL Reading Comprehension

Keywords: cognitive strategy; metacognitive strategy; compensation strategy; perceived self-efficacy; EFL reading comprehension

Hui-Fang Shang
I-Shou University, Taiwan

Bio Data
Hui-Fang Shang was born in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. In 1996, she earned her ED.D. at the University of Southern California in USA. Now she is a Professor in the Department of Applied English at I-Shou University in Taiwan. Her expertise and research interests include TEFL and curriculum/instructional design.

This study investigated Taiwanese EFL learners use of three reading strategies (cognitive, metacognitive, compensation strategies), their perceived impact on self-efficacy, and the relationships between reading strategy use and perceived self-efficacy on their English reading comprehension. Fifty-three English-major freshmen from I-Shou University participated in this study. Three principle questions were addressed: (1) What is the most frequent use of reading strategies reported by individual students? (2) Is there any significant relationship between students self-reported reading strategy uses and self-efficacy beliefs on their English reading performance? (3) What are students attitudes toward the effect of reading strategy instruction? To examine the effects of strategic instruction on students reading performance, a qualitative interview technique and quantitative research methods including a paired-sample t-test and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation were used to estimate the relationship between reading strategy use and perceived self-efficacy on students reading achievement. Results showed that the most frequent use of reading strategy was found to be metacognitive strategy, followed by compensation strategy, and then followed by cognitive strategy. In addition, there was a significant positive relationship between the use of reading strategies and perceptions of self-efficacy. Reading strategies, however, were unrelated to reading achievement. Results of interview findings were analyzed to explore in-depth information about the conditions of strategy use. The implications of these findings for implementing effective reading strategy instruction are discussed.

See pages: 18-42

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Category: Main Editions, Volume 12 Issue 2